19 June, 2010

Technical Difficulties

id est Life happens.

I must submit my sincerest apologies. I am woefully behind on my reviews. While I did manage to get one posted last weekend for D.A.R.Y.L., there are two yet to be watched and reviewed. And then there are three more that should have been posted this weekend. And then there are another three that should be prepared for next weekend.

I am terrible at keeping up with these things.

I owe you guys a review for:
  • 14.June.1985 - Prizzi's Honor
  • 14.June.1985 - Secret Admirer
  • 21.June.1985 - Cocoon
  • 21.June.1985 - Lifeforce
  • 21.June.1985 - Return to Oz
I do have all of these movies available. It's just a matter of time to watch them and then review them. Hopefully I can catch up. So, here's the game plan:

I will try to watch them one-by-one* and write up a review immediately after watching and post right away. Instead of scheduling for the normal Saturday morning. I mean, it's late, so it should go up ASAP, right? Given that I need to set aside, not only +/- 2 hours for the movie, but an additional +/- 2 hours to write up a review, with the expected imagery and background information that makes this all worthwhile in the first place, I'm looking at a lot of sitting still to watch movies. With the amount of free time I have to do this, that means they may be behind schedule for some time. I recommend using the RSS feed or the Google Follow Friend Connect thingy.

At this point it would be sane to give up on the idea of reviewing earlier 1985 releases I missed due to the date I started this. Even if that means missing out reviewing The Breakfast Club and Ladyhawke.

* By "one-by-one" I mean I will arrange them in chronological order and titles that fall on the same date will be alphabetical. Pretty much like you see in the list here. Consider this your spoiler list.


  1. I'm looking forward to the next reviews! :)

  2. I love Return to Oz! Looking forward to reading that one.
